Woke up sluggish today. Of course, I had forgotten that I had a big dental procedure yesterday and instead thought that aging had dealt my life force a fatal blow unassisted. Bummer.
Then I remembered something my dentist said. When he asked if there was anything he could do to make me more comfortable, I joked that soothing words would be nice. Without missing a beat, he asked: What if the Hokey Pokey is true?
It took me a minute, but when it hit me, we both started laughing so hard and long, it delayed the procedure for a bit.
You remember the Hokey Pokey, of course.
Put your right arm in, take your right arm out. Put your right arm in, and you shake it all about. Do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around, that’s what it’s all about!
(And so on through a succession of body parts.)
So really, old friends, what if this really is what it’s all about?
So it was that today, the day after the procedure, I felt lethargic and didn’t have a clue why. It so happened there was a logical explanation in this particular case, but not always. To which I say, so what?
One day, I leap out of bed, the next day I crawl. But what if instead of judging myself as needing a fix or remedy, I trusted my darker moods the same way I regard storm clouds? Regardless of the forecast, I am not afraid the sun will never shine again. Meanwhile, I can appreciate the beauty of the shadows, the excitement as the rain begins and builds, the unexpected clap of thunder. I don’t always need to know why.
One day, the dentist delights me with a profound joke when I least expect it. The next, a new day dawns in which I finally remember to listen to the wee voice that tells me to take a day off from whatever it is I think I need to fix, be or do.
Today, I need do nothing more than curl up with a good book.
All together now:
Put your right tooth in, take your right tooth out,
Life has a funny way of shaking you about.
Put your whole self in the center then turn yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about!