Carol's Blog

The Spiritual Aging Support and Study Group

“How you age is not a problem to be solved but a spiritual choice.” Spiritual Aging is situated at the intersection of spirituality, psychology and conscious aging, supported by my 36 books, 30 years leading retreats for leading global organizations like Sage-ing International and a doctorate in religion specializing in adult and spiritual development and masters of theological studies from

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On Milestone Birthdays

Over the years, I’ve come to embrace aging as a gift and privilege: the growing freedom, the welcomed lessening of ego, the early signs of wisdom. Then turning 70 snuck up on me. Things began simply enough, making plans to celebrate my milestone birthday. But it got complicated. First, a good friend who’d thought she could be with me on

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Spare (me) Change

I am slow to adopt change. My personal email is AOL, for example. Need I say more? So you won’t be surprised to hear that after 15 years of updates, patches and workarounds on my website, the designer told me that even so much as one more tweak would bring the whole house of my website-based communication structure down. After

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The Old Souls Study Guide

The Paradox of Age Post One of the 9-part Old Souls Study Guide, which is inspired by reader’s guide models for personal reflection and for book club discussions. To have study guide posts delivered directly to your inbox on a monthly basis, join my mailing list HERE. This Month’s Reflection “Aging is a time full of irony. We find ourselves

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How the Story Ends

I’m the kind of person who likes to skip to the end of the book.  There are many readers willing to wait for the story to play out. But at this age and stage of my life, I’m grateful for any closure—however premature it may be. And recently, there have been many stories that have played themselves out not just

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If it’s Not One Thing it’s Another

I believe I can safely say that many of us have reached the life stage: “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.” I’ve personally gotten to the moment, at 76, where it’s easier (and better mentally) for me to enumerate the body parts that are working adequately versus the ones that have gone gimpy one way or another. For instance,

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The Happy Ghost

THE HAPPY GHOST: Blog by Carol Orsborn There was a happy ghost wandering through the hallways of my little cottage on the river yesterday.  She paused at a hand-made pot, remembering when her son had gifted her with it years ago.  There was the bookshelf full of books she had loved. She passed her hand over the colorful antique knit

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Desire for Solitude vs FOMO: Blog by Carol Orsborn

At first, as we age it is a shock to be marginalized from others’ lives, to discover that our young have grown up to live on their own and that society has already rushed in to fill whatever empty spaces we’ve left behind. We are apt to suffer time to time from “FOMO”–Fear of Missing Out. But later, it comes

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That Guy—The Old, Fiery One

Dear Fierce Ones, When many grow old, they think they’d want to be serene–but I found it boring. I’ve been many things since then: Sometimes bold, sometimes fraught, sometimes cranky and sometimes downright silly. What I didn’t expect was how passionate about life one could grow over the years. And now I know what it’s all been for. Our society

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Aging, itself, as a Spiritual Retreat

Want to take an advanced spiritual retreat for free? Aging is the retreat leader and the only requirement for entry is to grow old. Carol Orsborn makes her pitch for the free organic aging retreat on this edition of Facebook Live. Here are the benefits: EROSION OF EGO. Why meditate or pray to see the divine being you are behind

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A Love So Great

I’ve been fielding questions about spiritual aging over at FB Live and old friend Sharon recently asked: “In long-term marriages, how do you keep the spark alive?” When I describe my husband’s and my 50 plus year relationship, I tend to use words like soul mate or beloved. Then I remembered a favorite story of mine that puts the desire

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Why is my Faith Shakier than Ever? Q&A with the Author

“I’ve been on a spiritual path for decades. Why is my faith sometimes shakier than ever?” This is one of the first questions that was posed to me at my new Q&A with the Author at Facebook Live. (The first, also posted, was “How can I stop worrying so much about the future?” ) In response, I told a favorite

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