Spare (me) Change

I am slow to adopt change. My personal email is AOL, for example. Need I say more? So you won’t be surprised to hear that after 15 years of updates, patches and workarounds on my website, the designer told me that even so much as one more tweak would bring the whole house of my website-based communication structure down.

 After a couple months of resistance and denial I neither leapt nor lurched but dragged my feet into the future. If you haven’t visited the mother ship lately, I think you’ll agree that sometimes, being forced to change is a good thing.

This isn’t the first time. Over the course of our many decades, we’ve had to say goodbye to our beloved Selectrics and made the leap to computers. Sometimes our leaps have been graceful  (I like the expanded options of cable television and the connectivity of mobile phones, for instance.) But for many of us, most have been more along the line of lurches. (Copying and fax machines and VM, for example, that have yet to be tamed.)

So here we are, each in our own way challenging ourselves to stay current. I may kick my computer printer regularly, but I love not having to scrub the carbon off my hands. Even better, with even a hint of mastery, new capabilities become available to us. I’m loving how easy growing my mailing list on Substack is making it for us to interact with one another, for instance, through discoverable posts, chats and networking.  At 76, I didn’t expect to meet so many like-minded old souls nor feel this powerful.

Stay tuned for some exciting new news along these lines ion the coming weeks. Meanwhile, Thanks for showing up and as my old friend Connie Goldman was fond of saying…To be continued.