
January 1, 2025


January 1 marks the initiation of Spiritual Aging’s online home base Spiritual Aging Study and Support Group (SASS) on Substack. Like-minded and life stage-related members from around the world have access to the Spiritual Aging Study Guide that will be published on Substack exclusively on a week-by-week basis through 2025.  Members will be invited to post comments, ask questions and raise related issues stimulated by each week’s guide, synchronized to that week’s reading in Carol Orsborn’s new book Spiritual Aging: Weekly Reflections for Embracing Life  At the same time, old souls from around the world are spontaneously forming Spiritual Aging Study and Support including both affinity and facilitator-led groups gathering in-person, on Zoom and online throughout 2025 to discuss the reflections in the book using the study guide. To join the online home-base Spiritual Aging and Support Group on Substack, click HERE. For additional SASS groups and related events, click HERE.

 January 7 at 11am-12:30 pm EST

SAGE-ING INTERNATIONAL’S SPIRITUAL AGING: A YEAR OF REFLECTION (Jan. 7 at 11 am-12:30 pm EST then the first Tuesday of every month through December 2, 2025.)  Author Carol Orsborn and Certified Sage-ing Leaders guide participants through Sage-ing International’s year-long immersive “A Year of Reflection” synchronized with the readings from her new book Spiritual Aging: Weekly Reflections for Embracing Life (Inner Traditions Dec. 2024).

In this year-long series, Dr. Orsborn leads a monthly interactive webinar on Zoom. Participants who sign up for the year-long series have the option of joining a smaller ongoing  facilitator-led Spiritual Aging Study and Support Group that will meet an additional twice a month through 2025. Through study, journaling, and both small and large group discussions, participants will share their challenges and discoveries as they apply the subject matter of the readings in the book to their own lives. To register, click HERE:

Sessions will be held the first Tuesday of every month from 11 am-12:30 pm EST. Sign up for the entire series or individual sessions.

January 7: Transcending Ambition/Rethinking Resolutions

Spiritual goal-setting  for an older, wiser, fiercer new year.


February 4: Broken Heart or Heart Growing Whole?

Transforming setbacks, losses and disappointments into spiritual growth.


March 4: Taking the Leap from Anxiety to Enthusiasm

Adopting the stance that aging is not a problem to be solved but a spiritual choice.


April 1: Why is it So Hard to Love Unconditionally?

Reflecting on the many challenges giving and finding unconditional love in the real world.


May 6: Regret: “The Ghost of Aging”

If/when and how to engage in the divine wrestle with your past.


June 3: Joy in the Margins

Shifting from fear of invisibility and loneliness to the heartfelt embrace of self-chosen individuation and solitude


July 1: Why Aren’t I Enlightened Yet?

After all these years of spiritual practice, how to finally get what you came here for.


August 5: Has Any of it Mattered?

Reviewing your life’s meaning through the lens of God’s call versus indulging your ego, one of the many pitfalls of spiritual aging.


September 2: Grieving our Losses

 Faith’s summons: Coming to know you’re beloved, no matter what.


October 7: Age as Culmination

There can come a time when you stop yearning to retrieve or replace the old illusions of identity and control—and that’s when life gets really good.


November 4:  Warrior or Saint?

Aging presents us with one dilemma after another. When and how long do we push to overcome the obstacles—when to let go?


December 2: Cause for Celebration

 Another year of spiritual aging under our belts.  Regardless of our circumstances, we pause to honor what matters most: the growth of our consciousness, authenticity and freedom.


January 9 @ 12:00 pm-1:30 pm EST

WOMEN’S CIRCLE: A GATHERING OF OLD SOULS (January 9 at 12:00 pm-1:30 pm EST) Interactive monthly spiritual aging study and support circle for women hosted by Spirit of Sophia, a women’s spirituality center. The monthly group, led by author Carol Orsborn, Ph.D., will meet on Zoom starting Thursday, January 9 then the first Thursday of every month we meet through 2025. There are two sessions requiring a five-months commitment each: January-May, and July-November, 2025. For more information,   click HERE