About River Diary



A Memoir by Carol Orsborn

Do you have two voices in your heart vying for your attention? I do.

One tells me I am called to be a writer and teacher, drawn into the public eye. The other urges me to withdraw from the world of ambition in pursuit of the contemplative life. Which voice will emerge triumphant—or is there a third option, the path of the mystic, luring me towards the reconciliation and joy I seek?

Several summers ago, struggling with this tension, I made a sacred vow. I would sit by the river that runs behind my house in search of unity every day until God answered my call.

What I discovered along the way has overflowed my heart and onto the 60 pages of River Diary: My Summer of Grace, Solitude, and 35 Geese, the gift of joy I would like to share with you, free to subscribers and friends of my websites for immediate download.

Accompanying me on my pilgrimage to the stillness in my heart were the readings of mystics, saints and wise elders from a variety of spiritual and religious traditions, including Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, May Sarton, Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and many more. But it was the river, itself, that proved to be my greatest teacher.

I invite you to join me on this pilgrimage and appreciate your thoughtful company every step of the way.

–Carol Orsborn