For General Audiences


2015 Keynotes/Training/Retreats  


The Spirituality of Age:

 A Seeker’s Guide to Growing Older


Passing beyond midlife initiates a new life stage, bearing with it high anticipation, celebration and sometimes, outright terror.  This program is for those of us willing to dig deep to make the next stage of our lives as vital as the decades that have come before. Together, we will face, confront and transcend the stereotypes of aging to initiate a new level of freedom not dependent on the affirmation of others. We will come to see aging not as an obstacle to be overcome but as the very vehicle of our fulfillment.  Inquire about the possibility of having one or both co-presenters Drs. Carol Orsborn and Robert L. Weber.

Based on Carol Orsborn, Ph.D. and co-author Robert L. Weber, Ph.D.’s ’s forthcoming book  The Spirituality of Age: A Seeker’s Guide to Growing Older.


The Art of Resilience:

 Whatever our age and life stage, our resilience perspective and skills are more important than ever as we face the challenges of living and working in turbulent times.  Based on Dr. Carol Orsborn’s best-selling book, The Art of Resilience is a mini-retreat that inspires, illuminates and invigorates.

Drawing on a combination of scientific research, inspiration and hands-on exercises, participants will learn to rebound gracefully and productively when up against forces beyond our control.

Topics covered include:

  • How can I keep my spirits up, regardless of the challenges I face?
  • What resources can I draw upon that will allow me to act confidently even in uncertain and ambiguous circumstances?
  • How can I shift my perspective to find fresh solutions when I can no longer rely solely on old problem-solving approaches?
  • What do I have to contribute to others and who can I call upon to help me broaden my support network.


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Additional Programs for Boomer Audiences


The Art of Intuitive Decision-Making:

We are good at solving problems.  But there are those times when our normal decision-making techniques fall short.  This interactive mini-retreat shows participants how to tap inner resources to allow for creativity, inspiration and fresh insight.  The key is to create a turning point by balancing the left-brain urge to control and master a problem with the innate knowing and wisdom of right-brain intuition.  Astonishing breakthroughs can occur, often when least expected.  Follow the group and individuals exercises as they lead you inexorably to resolution.

Based on Carol Orsborn’s book “Solved by Sunset:  The Right Brain Way to Resolve Whatever’s Bothering You in One Day or Less” (Random House)


Speech Videos

Additional Programs for Boomer Audiences


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