Marketers: Remember This!

Pop quiz: Which mystic came up with this profound, visionary, inspiring teaching?

“Memory loss shouldn’t take away purpose and passion in life.”

The answer: An ad line from Silverado Memory Care, a facility for individuals diagnosed with cognitive issues.

Rather than play on fear of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, as many do, this copywriter takes the leap of faith that there may be value and quality of life even for those who are living out what is for many of us our worst fears.

Here’s the shift in paradigms this marketer made: An increasing number of people who work with individuals who have Dementia every day are questioning the traditional ways of judging those in their care—as tragic. Nancy Gordon of the California Lutheran Homes Center for Spirituality wrote in the American Society of Aging’s “Aging Today”: “What is it we are so afraid of? We live in a society some have labeled ‘hyper-cognitive’—a society that values the ability to think and remember as the highest good, and defines our worth as persons based on our cognitive abilities…We don’t lose our souls when our mind declines. Even when we are suffering from severe cognitive impairments we can love and be loved: we are still capable of relationship. And while we tend to equate losing cognitive function with losing everything, even when our minds aren’t working we still have spirit, body and emotions—all of which are pathways for relating to others—and to God.”

Here’s an example of a company that is leading rather than following. Kudos, Silverado Memory Care.

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About Carol Orsborn

Carol Orsborn, Ph.D. has written over 30 books including her critically-acclaimed Older, Wiser, Fiercer: The Wisdom Collection and The Spirituality of Age: A Seeker’s Guide to Growing Older with Dr. Robert L. Weber, which was awarded Gold in the Nautilus Book Awards in the category of Aging Consciously. She is founder and curator of Fierce with Age: The Archives of Boomer Wisdom, Inspiration and Spirituality housed at She is host of the 2 leading book clubs in the field of conscious aging: Sage-ing International's live, virtual The Sage-ing Book Club and the in-person Conscious Aging Book Club, sponsored by Parnassus Books, Nashville. She received her doctorate in the History and Critical Theory of Religion from Vanderbilt University with specialization in the areas of adult spiritual development and ritual studies.

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