Suckers for Reinvention

We Boomers are suckers for reinvention.  Of course, none of us wants to be sidelined or marginalized.  And so, when mainstream society rejects the identity/role and position we worked so hard to establish over the course of our lives, we  jump on the reinvention bandwagon.

The mantra goes like this:  dust off your old dreams or look around to find something worthy of you that you can feel passionate about.  And, oh yes, it helps if what your heart is telling you to do matches what society actually wants from us—especially if you hope or need to get paid.  All you need to do is take your strengths, talents and dreams, shuffle  them into new variations of what used to work for you but doesn’t any more, and re-offer your renewed self on the re-invented marketplace.

For example, how about all those folks downsized from their jobs in advertising and public relations who have been encouraged by the career experts to hang up their shingles as experts helping companies market to Boomers?  Aside from those handful of clients who are little more than ambulance chasers offering aging Boomers drugs and assisted living devices, do you see many companies lining up to help us sell us their hip new cars, cruises, cosmetics or fashion?  Didn’t think so…

And God forbid your dream is telling you the time has finally arrived to reinvent yourself into the writer determined to find a publisher for your (pick one) memoir, book of poetry or great American novel. In other words, if you do want to reinvent yourself, and need to be paid, it would be tons better if when you looked into your heart, you were to find not an artist huddling inside, but rather, a computer programmer or home health aide.

So is the situation hopeless?  For some, the old pieces will indeed be shuffled miraculously into a new satisfying order, and will actually produce both emotional fulfillment and necessary income.  But for the rest of us—including those of us who are fortunate enough not to need additional sources of income to survive–reinvention is not the answer.  At its worst, in fact, it is the problem, seducing us to extend the productive years of our midlife as long as possible, stealing valuable time and energy from the real promise, power and potential of the genuine life task awaiting us on the far side of midlife.

Just what is this genuine life task?  To get a better handle on this, let’s take a brief survey of adult development theory.  We are born without roles or identities.  We just are. But it doesn’t take long before our parents, authority figures, church, education system, media and other cultural influences begin programming us with beliefs about ourselves and the world.  By the time we can walk and talk, we’ve already gone a long way towards formulating a persona:  what it takes to succeed, or at least, survive, in this world.

At some point, also early on, but reaching a fever pitch around adolescence, we embark on our first of a long series of serious reinventions, accepting and rejecting aspects of our original programming and going through the arduous, challenging process of assembling what will be our adult identity.

For society (and us) to function efficiently, this is not an option.  We’ve got to begin to figure out where and how we fit in.  Will we become educated, raise a family, do those things professionally and personally that garner success?  We need to learn the ropes of what it takes to keep the machine operating.  And sometimes, if we’re lucky, there are numerous overlaps between what we truly want for ourselves and what it takes to survive.  But for many of us, there are also compromises made, passions discarded, authenticity de-valued.

Again, if we are fortunate, the good outweighs the bad and so it is that we make our ways through midlife and beyond, finding ourselves, at last, at the outer edges of the lifelong identity-building project.  Now what?  It is both exhilarating and terrifying to find yourself no longer compelled to act out of either your original programming or your lifetime of persona creation.  It is innate, normal and healthy as we age to organically begin caring less about what others think of us, to pay heed to our authentic urges regardless of whether or not they fit into some pre-conceived notion of success, to be weird or wild or eccentric, or whatever it is we discarded along the way and would dearly, deeply love to reclaim.  It’s called freedom, and hard-won freedom, at that.

And now here’s the kicker. For the Boomer generation, just as we arrive at this moment, rather than revel in our new life stage, even if it means falling into the unknown of the void for the time-being (the necessary cauldron of true freedom) we are asked to reinvent ourselves once again in order to create meaning and take comfort in that which is so familiar to us: climbing the identity creation mountain all over again.

What is really called for, I would argue, is not reinvention but rather uninvention.  Post-midlife, we finally have the opportunity to recognize, witness, outgrow and ultimately discard the roles, identities and positions we have assumed over the course of our lives and, get this, have the courage not to rush to comfort ourselves and others in a simple reordering of all the old pieces, a creation dedicated to keeping the old ego intact.  Rather, God willing, one gets to a point, where one does not want to “re” anything anymore and would rather, bravely, drop all the old outlived skins away to discover something authentic, original, inside.  Indeed, for those of us brave enough to look aging in the face, we may be blessed with the understanding that on the other side of reinvention, itself—in fact, in its exact opposite, one finally has the potential to find the key to meaning, peace and joy we’ve been yearning for.

It’s true, discovering your long-buried capacity to experience life in the present moment—sitting by the bank of a river, spending time with a good friend, writing for the sheer pleasure of self-expression—may not find their measure in either status recognition nor financial reward.  But neither do many of the reinvention fantasies that sap our life blood and have the unfortunate ability over time to be turning even the best of us into 80-year-olds seeking career counseling and feeling guilty because we’re not fulfilling our true potential.

Time to reinvent reinvention, to discover who are we when we finally find it in our hearts to let the outgrown constructions really, truly drop away and allow ourselves to linger with curiosity rather than rev ourselves right back up  into the higher gear reinvention demands of us.  My new mantra for our generation:  Not reinvention. Uninvention.

For a free subscription to Fierce with Age:  The Digest of Boomer Wisdom, Inspiration and Spirituality, click HERE

For Carol Orsborn’s Blog, Older, Wiser, Fiercer, click HERE

For information about the Conscious Aging Book Club, click  HERE

FIERCE WITH AGE, The Online Digest of Wisdom, Inspiration, and Spirituality is a free digest featuring monthly summaries and excerpts of the best writing about spirituality and aging for Boomers. Editor-in-chief Carol Orsborn, Ph.D., a conscious aging expert with a doctorate in religion and author of 30 books, celebrates the increasing visibility of spiritual content on Boomer, aging and spirituality websites, classic sources as well as newly published books and articles.

Her most recent book is the novel Angelica’s Last Breath asks us whether it could be possible to make peace with our past, present and future earlier than one’s last breath— with time to spare? 

Her previous book, coauthored with Dr. Robert L. Weber, is The Spirituality of Age:  A Seeker’s Guide to Growing Older.  The book was awarded Gold in  the Nautilus Book Awards, the highest honor in the category of Aging Consciously.

Contact Dr. Carol Orsborn at

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About Carol Orsborn

Carol Orsborn, Ph.D. has written over 30 books including her critically-acclaimed Older, Wiser, Fiercer: The Wisdom Collection and The Spirituality of Age: A Seeker’s Guide to Growing Older with Dr. Robert L. Weber, which was awarded Gold in the Nautilus Book Awards in the category of Aging Consciously. She is founder and curator of Fierce with Age: The Archives of Boomer Wisdom, Inspiration and Spirituality housed at She is host of the 2 leading book clubs in the field of conscious aging: Sage-ing International's live, virtual The Sage-ing Book Club and the in-person Conscious Aging Book Club, sponsored by Parnassus Books, Nashville. She received her doctorate in the History and Critical Theory of Religion from Vanderbilt University with specialization in the areas of adult spiritual development and ritual studies.