/** Loop - Archive This is the loop logic used on all archive screens. * * To override this loop in a particular archive type (in all categories, for example), * duplicate the `archive.php` file and rename the duplicate to `category.php`. * In the code of `category.php`, change `get_template_part( 'loop', 'archive' );` to * `get_template_part( 'loop', 'category' );` and save the file. * * Create a duplicate of this file and rename it to `loop-category.php`. * Make any changes to this new file and they will be reflected on all your category screens. * * @package WooFramework * @subpackage Template */

Marketers Love Pink, But Avoid Gray

Okay Marketers.  So your client or brand has charged you with doing something socially responsible…do a promotion to raise money for a foundation, for instance.  You can raise funds for just about anyone across the economic, age. ethnic or social spectrum. Here are the results, in black and white–in fact, every color but one.  Packages […]

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