/** Loop - Archive This is the loop logic used on all archive screens. * * To override this loop in a particular archive type (in all categories, for example), * duplicate the `archive.php` file and rename the duplicate to `category.php`. * In the code of `category.php`, change `get_template_part( 'loop', 'archive' );` to * `get_template_part( 'loop', 'category' );` and save the file. * * Create a duplicate of this file and rename it to `loop-category.php`. * Make any changes to this new file and they will be reflected on all your category screens. * * @package WooFramework * @subpackage Template */

Cosmic vs. Actual Mothers: 11/6/17

During my midlife tenure at divinity school, feminist theologians liberated the notion of God the Father into God the Mother. As a featured presenter this week in a free on-line summit for older women on the theme Older, Wiser, Freer: Thriving in Our Third Act, I’ve been putting a lot of thought into the feminine […]

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